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  4. Installation


Install Divi

The very first thing to do is install the Divi Theme on a new WordPress installation.

Install the Child Theme

1. Open your WordPress Dashboard then navigate to: Appearance -> Themes -> Add New -> Upload Theme -> Choose File.

2. Browse the childtheme file ecommerced-pro-divided-rocks.zip -> select the file -> click install now

3. Click Activate

3B. If you bought eCommerced at https://www.divided.rocks/, first activate the license. To do this enter the license key you received in your email or download it from your Account page. You will only see this if you bought the theme directly from our website, not when you bought it from Elegant Themes website.

4. Your child theme is now ready to import the demo data.

Install WooCommerce

The theme’s demo import works best if WooCommerce has been installed and activated. So do this.

Remove WooCommerce pages

Go to Pages and remove the following pages that are auto-installed with WooCommerce.

  • Shop
  • Checkout
  • My account
  • Cart



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